Guest on The Jasmine Star show podcast

Guest on The Jasmine Star show podcast


This week I was lucky to be chosen as guest on the Jasmine Star show podcast.  Jasmine is a social media expert and business strategist from Newport Bay, California.

I have followed Jasmine for several years and watched her business grow as she helps so many business entrepreneurs with their social media strategy and look at how they can grow their businesses.   As many of you know this is an area I love.  I work with my clients to help them with branding and strategy for their social media accounts, along with photographing content for their website and social media posts.

The episode I was featured on focused on setting goals for 2021 and how it’s a good idea to break these down into quarterly goals.  For example,  by the end of the first quarter of the year at the end of March,  I will have photographed 10 families, redesigned my website and helped 3 business clients develop their social media strategy.   A full lockdown for 6 weeks (at least!) may prove challenging in achieving these, but those are my goals. 

A big believer in goal setting, I was in my element on the podcast.  Of course goals should follow the SMART formula.  They should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time based.    Without adhering to this formula, we often get lost in knowing what to do and how to succeed.  So bear that in mind when setting your own goals for 2021.   I think it’s helpful to split your life into categories too,   for me 1. Personal – so travel plans, running PB’s or races I wish to do    2. Business goals (as above).  

If you would to like to listen to the podcast you can find the link below.   If you are setting goals of your own for 2021 I would love to hear them.   Be warned I may just check up on you to keep you accountable!

Listen here – Jasmine Star Show Podcast, episode 135