My clients and I often discuss the items that helped us during our pregnancy and with a view to helping you mum’s to be here are my top 10 must have pregnancy essentials.

1.   Pregnancy Pillow

I couldn’t make my peace with this initially.  A strange long sausage of cushion that I considered hitting my partner with rather than snuggling up with however, in the latter stages of pregnancy when sleeping on my side was the only viable option it is was a godsend and I looked forward to going to bed again.

2.   Yoga ball

Useful for exercise, more comfy than a chair in the later stages of pregnancy and useful to assist in getting baby in the correct position for birth.   Also fantastic when baby is born for getting to sleep.

3.  Relaxing music

Stock your ipod with calming and relaxing music and take some time to relax each day.   I highly recommend Stephen Halpern’s Comfort Zones, available on iTunes & amazon.

4.  Bio oil

A must in the quest to prevent or minimise stretch marks.

5.  Baby Name book

You will spend hours pouring over all the possibilities….prepare for the game of   ‘veto’  with your partner over your favourite names.

6. Pregnancy for modern girls by Hollie Smith

Hands down this was the the best pregnancy book I read.   Full of practical and useful tips, the author tells it like it really is – warts and all.    Available for kindle and in hardback.

7. Chocolate

Well if you have to cut out wine, pate & soft cheese’s, chocolate is non-negotiable in my book.

8. Hypnobirthing techniques

I highly recommend the Orange Grove for hypnobirthing courses.  These classes are focused on natural, relaxed and calm births using a mixture of breathing and relaxation techniques.  More than this they explained the science behind birth such as the chemicals and hormones released and how to use these to help the birthing process go more smoothly.     Pregnancy Yoga can be another good option for mum’s to be who wish to focus on breathing and relaxation techniques.

9.  NCT sales

Bargains galore at the National Childbirth Trust’s nearly new sales.   The items found here are really good condition, second hand items and you can kit yourself out relatively cheaply. Even if you did not attend NCT classes, I would recommend joining simply to enable you to get priority access (let in first) at the sales to grab the bargains if you plan to go to the sales more than once a year.

10.  Great Friends

Even if you have a good support network behind you, it really helps to have mummy friends who are due or had babies around a similar time to you.  I lost count of the times my hypnobirthing group met up and could completely empathise when one of their babies wasn’t sleeping through the night, was teething or not eating etc.   It is these amazing individuals that will keep you sane in the first year.

So what are you top pregnancy must have items?  Any good tips I can share with my clients –  drop me a line at or reach out on facebook – Alison Armstrong Baby Photography.


Helpful links

(click on the links below to take you directly to my recommendation)

Pregnancy for modern girls

Pregnancy cushion

Pregnancy Ball

Bio oil

The Orange Grove, Norwich

* NCT nearly new sale

Stephen Halpern Comfort Zone